Hi all. Here is some photos update of Kawasaki ER-6N 2009. After 4 months with it I feels this is the best bike I've ever ridden and I've no big complaints and problems yet until now. There is a few upgrades I would like to do like fitting wind screen and engine slider. The mileage now is 9000 km already and the back tire threads are getting thinner and thinner. It's nearly time to service and the back tire have to be replace. I wonder how long I'll stay with my ER-6N but I intend to keeps it as long as I can.
Front right turn signal.
Front tire still looks good. I guessed another 5000km before replacement.

Looks big huh!no it's 160 tire only. The back tire center thread still has 5mm more or 10%. 
That's my dad's 'super bike'.
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